Got Paid Leave?

When I gave birth to my first baby in 1990, I clearly remember the company informing me that if I chose to stay home past six weeks, they could not guarantee me my job back (little alone paid time off). Hmm. Fast forward 34 years, and I am thrilled that my home state of Minnesota passed a Paid Leave Law. Thank you to all those who made this a reality!!

The National Council on Family Relations recently featured an article on the benefits of family leave. According to author David Rothwell, Ph.D., β€œNew evidence suggests that paid parental leave improves maternal and child health, reduces economic hardship, and has a positive impact on partner relations. Policy design features such as eligibility, leave duration, and wage replacement rates vary across states. To reduce between- and within-family inequality, paid parental leave should be accessible to all workers, should include full or near-full wage replacement, and should last at least 12 weeks.” Read more about the policy recommendations here

Rothwell, D. Ph.D. (January 2024). State Paid Parental Leave Policy: A Tool to Reduce Inequality Within and Between Families. National Council on Family Relations Policy Brief.

Beverly Gillen