Happy Earth Day!
In honor of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, you are invited to celebrate this special day by spending time outdoors as a family. Here are some ideas to get you started:
Take a “Look for litter” walk around your neighborhood or favorite park
Set up a family garden to grow your own veggies
Take your baby for a stroller ride and name all the birds and animals on your way
Plant a tree seedling on Arbor Day ( April 24)
Switch from pesticide lawn care to a service that supports bees and butterflies (and your pets and kids)
Plant milkweed in a sunny spot.
Challenge older kids and teens to master College Competency #11 (Navigate). While many teens are tech savvy, they may not know how to find their way if technology fails. More tips in my book, Get Connected for College: the Savvy Student’s Guide to College Prep.